Thursday, December 1, 2011

Nashville Personal Trainer Top 7 Energy Boosters

"I get my energy from my inner G
I be in outer space, but I got inner peace..."

It seems like more and more nowadays people are having less and less energy. I mean, just walk around the mall and observer people and its clear as day. Lack of energy equals low morale, low enthusiasm and bad health habits.

So to help out, I'm going to give you 7 of my top energy boosters. Incorporate these into your lifestyle, and if you DON'T get more energy, I owe you a $100 (my fingers were crossed).
Read More... Nashville Personal Trainer Top 7 Energy Boosters

Monday, July 25, 2011

Nashville Personal Trainer: Your Greatest Super Power (Its not what you think)

Sloth, not ill-will, makes me unjust.

I'm gonna tell you about a power that you have deep beneath the confines of your exterior. Its a sleeping power and unlike those of individuals such as Superman with his incredible strength, Spiderman with his spider abilities, or The Incredible Hulk with his ability to go H.A.M. on somebody at the drop of a dime, this great power inside you must exercise to be effective.
Read More... Nashville Personal Trainer: Your Greatest Super Power (Its not what you think)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Nashville Personal Trainer 7 Reasons Why You're Not Losing Fat

Back again!
Summer's just around the corner (for some places its already here) and getting back into that favorite pair of jeans, shorts, or skirt would be a nice treat for the season. The problem is the simple diet mistakes that are keeping you back. If it seems as if the scale is broke, or your weight is in a yo-yo cycle (going down and bouncing back up), then there's a chance that you've fallen victim to one of the following 7 fat loss bloopers.

Read More... Nashville Personal Trainer 7 Reasons Why You're Not Losing Fat

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nashville Personal Trainer Morning Work Outs

When your alarm clock goes off and you slowly open one eye-lid, then all of a sudden you're blinded by the rays of sun that fill the window blinds, the worst thing to do would be to bury your head back into the covers. Rather, it would be more beneficial if you seize those early hours to get a workout in. But why so early?

Read More... Nashville Personal Trainer Morning Work Outs